Monday, June 4, 2012

Server #1 is Down.

Server #1 has been down for the last 24 Hours.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Computer has more then 5 slots?

Here is a Question asked PlayPhone Support. Does this seem fare that computer can have more then 5 unit slots and a player can only have 5?

Q.  Hi,what is maximum of slots for units? Is it Five or more?
A.  Hello,Thank you for contacting PlayPhone. The maximum slots for units is five. 
     Best Regards,
     PlayPhone Support

Here is a Screenshot of computer having 6 units.
  1. Crows
  2. Viking
  3. Banshee
  4. Phatom
  5. Thor
  6. Sieg Tank

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Improvement's Needed

This game is getting annoying. There needs to be some changes or people will start leaving this game. Here are some improvements.

  • Improve the differences in each races. i.e Human units are too powerful. There needs to be better invisible unit in Spirit and Alien. 
  • Reduce the number of clicks for an attack. It takes 4 clicks for an attack. 
    • Click city
    • Click attack
    • Click close
    • Click close
  • Allow us to attack a city multiple times at once. i.e. Option to attack a city 5/10 times. This well help reduce the number to clicks.
  • Notification when you are being attacked. Most of the time we don't know we are being attack and by the time we log on our base on Planet X is already Destroy. 
  • Improve the Arena battles
    • It takes too long to move in rank. On Server one there are over 3000 heroes level 10 and above  . For a hero to move higher in rank is nearly impossible. You get 15 tries daily and every try is only a move of 5 slots. 
    • 15 * 5 = 75 slots. If your hero start at rank 3000. It would take 40 days to move to number #1, that is if you win all fights. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Arena Bug

After viewing a Failed battle the Exit button does not show up. The only way to get out is to hit the home button and remove application from task master.

Lodi Bug

I was able to beat "Destroyer" but after leveling up my hero to Level 29. Lodi close on me again.


Lodi - A Level 29 Hero is require to start Lodi.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Arena Battle and Payout

When the new release of 1.2.0 was release PlayPhone introduce Arena mode. Here is a little explanation and the they Payouts.

11000 C
2800 C
3450 C
4500 C
5350 C
6300 C
7250 C
8200 C
9150 C
10100 C

Click on the Arena icon on the lower left hand corner. 

Basic Arena Screen. Click on Challenge and wait for fight results.
You only have 15 Challenges per day.

If you are the few lucky player rank in the Top 10 you will get reward after
7 days you will be rewarded the Prize on the upper Left hand corner.

Fame Human

Siege Tank

Fame Spirit

Dark Templar100
Robotic Facility

EXP Requirements for Hero

Lvl 10
Lvl 262
Lvl 3153
Lvl 4334
Lvl 5629
Lvl 61062
Lvl 71657
Lvl 82436
Lvl 93429
Lvl 104654
Lvl 116137

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hero Class Explained

Hero class

White - Common
Green - Uncommon
Blue -
Purple -
Orange - Legendary Hero
Yellow - Almighty

Basic Green Hero

Base Purple Hero

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Recruiting New Heroes

  • Recruiting New Heroes is very simple. Click on your "Military Academy" or "Summon Portal" or Infestation Pit" 
  • Choose a hero you want to hire
  • Double click on it
  • Click "Employ"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

City 3 "Mystical Relic" Items and Rewards

Relic Scout
Hero Require Lv: 19
Cost AP: 12
Crystal: 28 Gas: 22 Exp: 547 Gold: 175
461+451+520+504+467 = 2403/60 = 40.05 XP/AP

Relic Digger
Hero Require Lv: 19
Cost AP: 12
Crystal: 33 Gas:  26 Exp: 622 Gold: 229
374+340+33++400+403 = 1853/60 = 30.83 XP/AP

Relic Watcher
Hero Require Lv: 19
Cost AP: 12
Crystal: 32 Gas: 25 Exp: 654 Gold: 221
404+404+320+432+384 = 1944/60 = 32.4 XP/AP

Relic Warden
Hero Require Lv: 19
Cost AP: 14
Crystal: 30 Gas: 24 Exp: 718 Gold: 223
626+633+711+584+725 = 3279/70 = 46.85 XP/AP

Relic Disciple
Hero Require Lv: 19
Cost AP: 14
Crystal: 31 Gas: 24 Exp: 719 Gold: 186
719+719+719+741+674 = 3572/70 = 51.02 XP/AP

Relic Adherent
Hero Require Lv: 19
Cost AP: 14
Crystal:  Gas:  Exp:  Gold:

Relic Guard
Hero Require Lv: 19
Cost AP: 14
Crystal: 37 Gas: 29  Exp: 667 Gold: 242

Relic Plunderer
Hero Require Lv: 19
Cost AP: 16
Crystal:  Gas:  Exp:  Gold:

Relic Raid
Hero Require Lv: 19
Cost AP: 24
Crystal:  Gas:  Exp:  Gold:

Hero Require Lv: 19
Cost AP: 16
Crystal:  Gas:  Exp:  Gold:

City 2 "Frontier Battle" Items and Rewards

Frontier Scout
Cost AP: 6
Crystal: 20-29 Gas: 14-19 Exp: 104 Gold: 85
78+56+80+60+76 = 350/30 = 11.66 XP/AP
Drop Rate: 0/5

Frontier Plunder
Cost AP: 6
Crystal: 20-30 Gas: 15-20 Exp: 166 Gold: 128
80+73+86+70+88 = 397/30 = 13.33 XP/AP
Drop Rate: 0/5

Frontier Protector
Cost AP: 8
Crystal:20-30 Gas: 15-22 Exp: 285 Gold: 145
118+143+119+124+138 = 642/40 = 16.05 XP/AP
Drop Rate: 1/5

Frontier Rouge
Cost AP: 8
Crystal: 25-35 Gas: 15-25 Exp: 360 Gold: 174
233+256+205+238+246 = 1178/40 = 24.45 XP/AP
Drop Rate: 0/5

Frontier Raid
Cost AP: 15
Exp: Gold:

Frontier Patrol
Cost AP: 10
Crystal: 25-35 Gas: 15-25 Exp: 468 Gold: 184
398+438+562+473+493 = 2364/50 = 47.28 XP/AP
Drop Rate: 0/5

Frontier Corp
Cost AP: 10
Crystal: 28 Gas: 22 Exp: 344  Gold: 169
506+570+470+633+570 = 2749/50 = 54.98 XP/AP
Drop Rate:

Energy Spar III
Energy Spar IV

Monday, January 23, 2012

PlayPhone T-Shirt and Buttons

Thanks Niem and Darryl for the cool PlayPhone T-Shirt and Battlenova Buttons.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

1.2.4 for Android is out

Playphone has release Battlenova 1.2.4. You can find it in the Android market.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Where are the Spar?

This customer supports view of where to find Spar.

"The game play of every player may vary based on the individual’s strategic move/action. The position of the Spars are placed in various parts of the map based on player character behavior."


This is what my view of where to find Spar. 

Spar I & II can be found on any city in "Space Prison"

Spar III & IV can be found on any city in "Frontier Battle"

Spar V & VI can be found on any city in "Mystical Relic"

Spar VII & VIII can be found on any city in "Crystal Lode"

Spar IX & X can be found on any city in "Kaplan Constellation"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chat Bug

Ever since the new update 1.2.0 I been getting this bug. There is no "X" on the top right hand corner. I can't get out of chat. The only work around is to exit the game and kill the application and restart.


This bug is weird. I have completed Frontier Battle map but somehow "Frontier Rouge" is black out.

Battlenova 1.2.2 has been release in iTunes

Battlenova release 1.2.2 has hit iTunes.

  • Daily Login Bonus
  • Arena Vs Tournament Battle Mode
  • New fixes (small and minor bugs)

Monday, January 16, 2012

New Exclusive WallPaper for Battlenova

Here is a exclusive wallpaper from PlayPhone the producer of Battlenova for all my blog readers.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Skill Applying Bug

There is a bug with Applying Skill. If you change a skill it will disappear from your inventory. So choose carefully.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Free 'C" explained

Here is the run down on the amount of 'C' you will get per consecutive day with the new update.

Daily Login Bonus

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Equipment Explianed

Click on Equipment
Click on Compose
Click on the item you want to compose
Click Compose
Double click on the Equipment Slot
Select the newly created item and click Equip

Monday, January 9, 2012

Spirit Units Explained

Spirits main strength is in the air.

Nullifier - spirits basic starter unit. Best when in a large group.
Zealot - spirits basic melee fighter. Not worth to build. Only targets ground. Nullifiers are a better choice.
Archon - a quite powerful unit. Rivals the strength of a glim but the only downfall is the range and cost.
Dark templar - spirits only invisible troop. Very strong but once again, it only targets ground and it is quite costly.

Stalker - a nice upgrade from nullifiers. This is a very good unit; cost is low, relatively strong and creates pretty fast.
Rider - has pretty good stats but you should only use them to fight against flying units.
Reaver - a strong unit, capable of taking much damage. Downfall is he movement speed, cost and supply.
Collosus - a very powerful unit, but not a very wise choice. It can only target ground units.
Observer - cannot fight, can only reveal invisible units. This unit is very useful later on in the game.
Phoenix - the spirits only troops that can attack many units simutaeniously. Beware of its low health and low atk. Best used in groups and make sure to have some units in front of it to take hits. Movement speed is relatively fast.
Glim - a very efficient unit. Has great health and damage. A very useful unit later on in the game.
Mothership - the spirits strongest unit. Strong in anyway possible. Downfall is the cost and the time of construction.

Thanks BoI2333

New update has hit iPhone

Update for iPhone is out. Go to the market and update so you can get your free 'C'.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Endless supply of units.
  • Play as Spirit
  • Setup your units
  • Go and attack a stronger city

  • Click attack

  • You will lose but you won't lose your units. 
  • Click on another city and you will see the same units as before.
  • If you change you units under your hero then you will lose all your units.

This is a great way to mine for resources. Good Luck

As off 1/7/2011 -- Looks like the bug/cheats is fixed.